Behold...the DARK LORD CHUTHULU!!!!
I also finished my sari silk purse...its HUGE. I think it may have eaten Mary Poppin's bag, perhaps even Mary Poppins herself. The lining still needs to be done, hopefully next week sometime, YAY payday. While down south, Drake and the TEENAGERS (the quasi-youth group he ministers to) bore witness to the awesomeness that is the bag. One of them made the comment that we'll all just have to go to an amusement park so that we can take turns schlepping the bag.
New projects include a grey shawl I'm making for me...just because and the start of Sherin's wedding blanket. Officially, Sherin and Sam are supposed to get married sometime next summer...but with the shennanigans at work, she's pushing to move up the, best get cracking