Monday, May 26, 2008


And now, for those of you interested, here are the pictures of my recently finished objects and current WIPs.

First off, we have the Gnome for my sister Trish's 15th birthday.

Next, we have the recycled sari silk, messenger bag that I'm working on skein by oh-so-precious-and-expensive-skein.

And finally, here is the long awaited first knitting project.

Its just a simple "knit, knit, purl purl" alternation, but I'm pretty pleased with how its going so far, I've come a LONG way from my ten stitch wide knit stitch doll scarves as a child. The damn thing keeps curling up on the edges, even though the whole thing is basically ribbed, but I think its my tension more than anything.

Anywho, its late, and this working stiff needs to get a shower and go to bed.

Happy Hooking All!

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